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Wednesday, June 15, 2020

Dear Calvary Family,

I pray you are well today. Thank you for your church attendance, generous giving, and brotherly kindness to one another. In regards to Governor Ivey’s face mask mandate, I encourage you to read section 2 on pages 2-3 of the “Order Of The State Health Officer Suspending Certain Public Gatherings Due To Risk Of Infection By COVID-19,” amended on July 15, 2020. Face masks are mandatory when the prescribed social distancing cannot be maintained. As long as we maintain 6’ distancing coming into the building, during the service, and departing, face masks are recommended, but not mandatory per the order. With that being said, I STRENUOUSLY urge you to wear a mask through the entire service, including the singing portion of the service. This is simply brotherly kindness (Colossians 3:12-14).
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

—Bro. Kerry

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Dear Calvary Family,

We pray you are well. Again, thank you for your faithfulness and generosity. Just a quick announcement about services for Sunday, June 7. We will have two services, 9 am for attendees 60+ years of age and 11 am for attendees <60, in the sanctuary. We will continue to practice social distancing and strongly recommend continuing to wear face masks. We will sanitize the sanctuary between services. We look forward to seeing you then! We are praying for you and love you!

—Bro. Kerry

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Dear Calvary Family,

Thank you, again, for your faithfulness in attending our Sunday worship services since reopening, for your service to the Lord, and for continuing to give generously. For our upcoming service, May 31, we will meet at 10:00, like last Sunday. This time, however, the 60+ year old attendees will meet in the sanctuary and the <60 attendees will meet in the fellowship hall for the livestream viewing. We will observe the Lord’s Supper using fellowship cups (individually packaged elements) as part of the service. Again, we will maintain our 6’ social distancing and we strongly recommend wearing a facemask. We are praying for you and look forward to seeing you Sunday!

—Bro. Kerry

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Dear Calvary Family,

Thank you again for your faithfulness and generosity! Thank you for coming Sunday and observing our steps to stay safe and well.


As far as next Sunday (May 24), we will have one service at 10:00, but in two locations. Our under 60 group will meet in the sanctuary and our 60 and over group will meet in the fellowship hall for a live stream service. We will be honoring our three high school graduates, Austin Butler, Colton Rachel, and Katie Snell, during the service. Grandparents of the graduates are welcome to attend the service in the sanctuary. There will be a table in the sanctuary where you can place cards and gifts for the graduates. Again, we will only have our AM worship service. Sunday School, PM services, children’s church, nursery, and choir will begin at a later date. We will continue to observe the social distancing measures and safety precautions that were in place during our service on the 17th. We look forward to seeing you Sunday! Love you all!



If you have any questions please call me. We are excited and look forward to seeing you Sunday! We love you all!

—Bro. Kerry

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Dear Calvary Family,

First, thank you for your faithfulness and generosity over the previous 8 weeks. You have watched our live-streams faithfully, given generously, prayed without ceasing, and helped prepare our facilities and grounds for reopening. Thank you! Second, please continue to pray for each other. Several of our members had surgical procedures this week, so continue to intercede for them. Third, let me inform you about our services.


Beginning this Sunday, May 17, we will begin gathering together for a morning worship service only. We will not have Sunday School, choir, children’s church, nursery, or evening services at this time. In the weeks to come, these will be phased in. At 9:00, we will have a service for our 60 years old and older attendees. This service will end around 10:00. At 11:00, we will have a service for everyone under 60. It will end around noon. The hour in between will give us time to sanitize the sanctuary, restrooms, and doorknobs. If you are a couple with ages <60 and 60+, just pick one of the services and both of you attend. Although we are gathering together, we are still maintaining the “social distancing” requirement of 6 feet. Therefore, families will need to be spaced apart on opposite ends of alternating pews. This is not ideal, but necessary for the time being. I encourage you to wear a mask. They aren’t comfortable, I know. To put everyone at ease, however, I encourage you to wear them. Obviously, we are not going to turn anyone away for not wearing one, but please be considerate of others. We have installed hand sanitizing stations all through the building... please use them liberally!


I understand if some aren’t comfortable with getting out just yet. We will continue to live stream the services and download them on the church website, However, please don’t let this become a “reason” not to attend. We miss you and want you to worship with us corporately!


If you have any questions please call me. We are excited and look forward to seeing you Sunday! We love you all!
—Bro. Kerry

P.S. The building will be sanitized tomorrow (Thursday). Please do not enter before Sunday morning so it will be as safe as possible for our services. Thanks!

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Dear Calvary Family,

I pray all is well with you. We miss you and look forward to being able to gather together again soon.


Based on Governor Ivey’s recommendations, along with federal guidelines, we will continue to have only livestream services at least through May 15. We will reassess the situation at that point and make a determination for services following that date. Please continue to tune in to our Facebook Live services. We also continue to have the services available on 


Thank you for your faithful giving during the previous 6 weeks! Our average weekly giving has met and exceeded our budget requirements! Please continue to give cheerfully and generously!


Continue to pray without ceasing, offer praise to God in the midst of the circumstances, stay in the Word, and reach out to each other and to those who are unchurched or lost. We love each of you!

—Bro. Kerry
Romans 8:31-39

Sunday Service Times

Sunday School 10 am

Worship Service 11 am

Evening Worship Service 6 pm

Wednesday Nights

Devotion and Prayer Meeting  6 pm

College & Career Bible Study 6 pm

Youth, Children (RAs & GAs) 6 pm

Other Services

Monday Morning Prayer 9:00


See Events Calendar for Monthly and Quarterly Adult Bible Studies

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